With the end of the year quickly approaching, the Grade 6 classes have a very busy schedule! See our Year End Document for specific dates. Please note that some times are still being updated!
The Canmore Museum By Maddy Last week, the grade 6’s went to the Canmore museum. We talked about some characters that lived in Canmore. Each person had a twin that was the same character. We had to introduce the character that we were to some other people. It was hard for me to describe my character because I speak french. We also learned how the Canmore community passed some laws. To help us to understand, we picked a group that you wanted to be in (wildlife, medicine, construction). After, we decided on the laws as a group. Finally, we took a look at the museum. The trip was very good.
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), I am very excited to begin the 2017 – 2018! We will be doing many exciting lessons and inquiry projects that will engage all students in their learning. I recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both the home and school. A strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for your child’s success and I want you to know that I will do my...
Building a Model By Erin Almost every science period Sandra Becker from the university from Calgary comes to our class to do research, then we go to the makerspace lab to work on our models. Our models are a deep thinking question about sky science that we did research on, to eventually start building a model to show the answer to our question. Some of our questions changed after doing some research. We have to use flexible thinking because maybe the model that we had in mind doesn't work, so we have to change it to make it work. At the end of every work period we write in our log books. We use the log book because it shows our thinking throughout the process of making our models. My question is, why is there microgravity in space? My question has changed after doing some research. It is now why do planets orbit. This relates back to my original question because the answer is be...